Everything is in the (Next)cloud | Es ist alles in der (Next)cloud... eo... eo...
I heard you like abstraction, so we put a manager into your network config!
You route me round-round like a packet...: Why routes should not loop
Putting the MAU into meowmeow: On personal ASNs
SERVFAIL me one more time: Reflections on TU Delft's Downtime
(UPDATE) Howto: Send an email to an (OpenBSD) mailinglist...
Configuring Postfix as a proxy in front of Exim MTAs
Time to be Real(tek): When PMTUD is not enough
[DE] Zeit fuer Real(tek|talk): Wenn die PMTUD nicht reicht
[NL] Hoofd in de wolken, en meningen op de grond: Universitaire ICT in de cloud
Heads in the cloud, and opinions on the ground: University IT in the cloud
The window, the ping, and the packetloss of this thing^Wnl-ams02a-rc2
Making it ping (when it shouldn't): Hophophopping around the NAT (Part 5)
Making it ping (when it shouldn't): With a bit of routing foo (Part 4)
Making it ping (when it shouldn't): With IPv6 (Part 3)
Making it ping (when it shouldn't): Random VPN Ports (Part 2)
Making it ping (when it shouldn't): Signup-less VPN Services (Part 1)
Making it ping^WSignal: A bit more stealth for censorship evasion
Send it (or rather not): Stupid things with OpenSMTPd and mysql
Making it ping: PMTUD, IXPs, or why that website just won't load... (Part 6)
Making it ping: Securing Announcements with RPKI a bit faster... (Part 5)
Go big or go rack: Making it ping (under 10ms)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 13)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 12)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 11)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 10)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 9)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 8)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 7)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 6)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 5)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 4)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 3)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 2)
13 Propositions on an Internet for a Burning World (Part 1)
Howto: Send an email to an (OpenBSD) mailinglist...
Making it ping: Securing Announcements with RPKI (Part 4)
Send it: Rspamd and me...
Send it: Doing stupid things with OpenSMTPd
Making it ping: Setting up Your First (OpenBSD) Router (Part 3)
Making it ping: Getting a Network and ASN (Part 2)
Making it ping: But WHY?! (Part 1)
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